How to “trust the science” 5-1-22
There’s a certain group of our legislators who don’t believe in science, or at least they don’t purport to, not believing in the value of masks, (if they’re not effective, why do surgeons wear them for hours on end while performing surgery?… but that’s neither here nor there) I’m actually thinking about one person in particular. This one, in response to an Transgender support flag hung outside a neighbors office door, hung her own, showcasing her ignorance, which, as an american is her right of course. But like opinions, to which every person IS entitled, FACTS are static until PROOF exists refuting them. In that light, I’m going to set this particular part of the record straight.
In an effort to feed the others of her kind who don’t understand or believe in science, the rotting meat they so crave to feed their inner sickness; this particular person, as mentioned previously, hung a sign outside the door of her office in response to a transgender flag outside a neighbors office, hers read: "There are TWO genders. MALE & FEMALE. Trust the science!" (a laughable sentiment from a scientophobe.)
Sorry not sorry… she’s WRONG. First off, let me point out the glaring, blinding, utterly laughable if it weren’t so pathetic plea to “trust the science!” coming from an absolutely scientific illiterate who denounces the validity of a vaccine, or masking, or the proof of dead bodies so she can feed toxic delusions of persecution to her master’s base for their continued support. Spouting the concept of “jewish space lasers” that cause wildfires, all while denouncing “gazpacho” (she may have been served somewhere?..really, what was that about?)… the unnamed scientophobe obviously knows nothing about lasers, (seriously… are they jewish by choice? By conversion or by matriarchal DNA? C’mon, which is it? Where’s your science?), or soup for that matter, (possibly aside from the ability to open up a can of pull-tab, microwavable, mish-mash that will sate in a pinch when real home-made soup isn’t available… gazpacho or otherwise.).
But it’s also plain to see that she knows nothing about gender, ‘cause as everyone with any kind of education in biology (at least up to the fourth grade) knows, there are several, for now let’s say THREE known and verifiable anatomical genders among the animal kingdom, REALLY.
Male, Female, and INTERSEX. What? You haven’t ever heard of intersex before? Or maybe someone told you that was sex you do over the internet, I don’t know…but if you were fortunate enough to graduate at least high school before 1990, you are aware of that not-so-rare gender once called, “Hermaphrodite” (a misnomer since as far as we know, intersex humans are not able to provide reproductive means for both genders, but simply may have the sex organs of both genders, often one of them non-functioning). But I digress… sorta.
“Hermaphroditism: In reproductive biology, a hermaphrodite (/hərˈmæfrəˌdaɪt/) is an organism that has both kinds of reproductive organs and can produce both gametes associated with male and female sexes.[1][2][3]
Many taxonomic groups of animals (mostly invertebrates) do not have separate sexes.[4] In these groups, hermaphroditism is a normal condition, enabling a form of sexual reproduction in which either partner can act as the female or male.” 1.
So, THERE is a quick run-up of genuine SCIENCE. At least 3 genders exist in the animal kingdom, including HUMANS. The difference is that in humans, the members of the intersex community only have one functioning set of gametes. So in the future miss nameless scientophobe whose nature as a hate-spreading-virus is well documented; may I suggest you manage to get back to school and get some edchewmakashun (that’s ignoramus for “education”… sorry ignorami) before you use words for whose meaning you have no comprehension. Really.
1 - wikipedia.
Coming soon: “Think of the CHILDREN!”