Welcome To JACarlton.com

If you or someone you love needs help, please use the links below;

we are ALL warriors in the battle against the darkness inside.

If You need help, Links are below. You are Loved.

If You need help, Links are below. You are Loved.

There are people right now who are fighting to deny others access to IDEAS that THEY don’t like, because it makes them uncomfortable, or examine things about themselves that they don’t want to see. One of the ways they’re doing this is by banning books.

Books have the ability to transport a reader into another space, or time, or mindset; to see beyond the limits others would impose on all those around them. Characters, like people, come in all shapes, sizes, colors, orientations and identities. Sometimes, when we’re lucky, we find characters whose beliefs, morals, ethics, and standards are just like our own. It is when we meet those characters that we realize that underneath the surface, most of us, are really not so different at all. One of the greatest joys is to be able to see yourself in a well crafted character.

So… what’s your flavor?

Fiction? Non-Fiction? Thrillers? YA Fantasy Adventure? Dystopian Sci-Fi?

Self help? Nurturing your relationships through positive touch?

C’mon in to the All Titles page, see what’s going on

and see if you, your spirit or heart might be there.

“Any book worth banning, is a book worth reading.” - Isaac Asimov


We’re still under construction with new subjects coming: blogs, vlogs, affirmation audios, self hypnosis, meditations etc… please be patient and feel free to email: jacarltonauthor@gmail.com to give us an idea of what you’d like to see.

Please head on over to “All Titles” to see what books are available.